Tuesday, March 13, 2012

From Table to Tale: The Siege of Dulforth - Pt 2

With the sewer gate now open, the adventurers faced the smell of city waste. Upon entering the darkness, Hagatha held a prestidigitation of a light source to guide the way. It wasn't long till they had discovered this sewer system was a diverse mix of left and right turns, intersections, and continual pools of waste.

Creeping out suddently, a swarm of spiders, including 2 larger arachnids, stared the crew down. Their dozens of eyes sweltered with what they envisioned as a perfect late night snack. The small spiders scattered forward as the larger ones started spinning web, attempting to create a trap. This effort was in vain, as with forceful magic, and melee action, the characters were able to overwhelm their nemeses' might.

In the next hall way, the lights shown down on a wet, goo covered floor. Plopping from the sewer falls to gelatinous cubes wished to corner the crew, as to devour their tasty flesh. Slurping along, the cubes enveloped the brace Edgar, consuming his body with an acidic dissolve. Yet the others endured. With a teleport ability, they maneuvered past the sticky ground, into the next room, where they met Thomas.

Thomas was no ordinary creature. He was slow moving, yet full of facts and other ramblings. His silhouette represented that of a mushroom man. He had not seen many places, but he had pondered many ideas. Thomas greeted the company with a riddle of sorts to test his knowledge against his own. This type of approval system was one which he become quite fond of in all his years of solidarity.

With a quick conversation, Thomas was impressed with the IDs of those that presented in front of them. Today was not a day he would become angry or disgruntled with disappointment. Instead, he would let his visitors know they were headed in the right direction and wish them ado.

The repite of meeting Thomas allowed the adventures to catch their breath and wrap their woulds. This would be important as a sudden realization came into frame. The front gate had not been locked. The guarding solider had been left there. Surely, any orc guards were going to stumble upon this scene and investigate. Then in the distance they heard it. The echo of an orc horn raced through the acoustics of the sewer system. Vroomp. Vroompppp. Now haste was not a choice, but a necessity.

Hurrying into the next room, the characters were unaware of the slippery down slope they faced. Upon realization, a rope was fasted to another part of the hall to help keep their footing. The rope was noth enough though. Within moments, Hagatha and Andraste has both lost their footing and slid down the ramp into a pit of a standing pool, ten feet below. The thump left them covered in the poisonous excrement of the surface dwellers above them. Hagatha seemed to have a laugh at it, as she was accustomed to such surroundings. Meanwhile, Andaste shrieked at how his pristince level of hygiene had been violated.

"Ah, reminds me of my youth," Hagatha snarled.

"Horribly disgusting. Get me out of here now. An Eladrin of my standing should never have to dea with such repulsive surrounds!" Responded Andraste.

Luckily Moonflower was nearby, with her incredibly strong pixies arms, ready to help her new found friends, once again. With another rope, she helped her mates climb up to the level surface they aimed at across from the slippery slant that had just taken wind out of them. Moonflowers peppiness worked to uplift the spirit of her comrades as they took a quick breath and moved onward.

In the next hallway, it seemed they might be close to their final destination. The air seemed warmer. With a few more meters of steps, a few plumbing pipes were apparent, surely boasting that the surface was near. Then, a shriek. A steam pipe exploded, burning the character's skin with it's heated entrapment. With a quick sprint, everyone took damage, before clearing to the other side of the hall. This is when they heard a squeakily sly voice say, "Ah, what do we have here boss. A couple dwellers r0lloing into our territory."

The elder wererat Splinter, "Yeah, I see what we got. A couple of money bags just walked into our hang out. Ah, they look expensive, but those 2 do smell."

The other rat turned back and replied, "Yeah, let's say you all get naked and we'll let you out of here. We want all your belongings."

Seeking an opportunity, Andraste questioned that rats about the surface and if they could make a deal to actually help them. The rat brothers didn't seem very interested. They explained how this was their zone and they had been infultraiting the opportunities of night on the surface to gather all their beloved possessions which sat in that room.

And then...

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