Tuesday, January 31, 2012

  • -What is your characters full name?
    Hhagatha Ir' Baba Yaga.
    -Where did he/she grow up?
    In the foul environs of the Bleakmyre swamp.
    -What moment from childhood helped define his/her adventuring life?
    Hhagatha met an adventuring witch named "Old" Grizzelda who settled in the Bleakmyre and opened a tavern. Grizzelda told Hhagatha many tales of the world beyond the Bleakmyre and hooked her into a major life quest by telling her of an ritual that would allow her to reclaim beauty while aging.
    -How was your character educated/trained?
    Hhagatha is a natural witch growing up within a Dark Moon coven of Hags. She developed her powers early and was an accomplished seer at a young age. She got her marshal training from "Old" Grizzelda.
    -What is his/her most obvious physical trait?
    Hhagatha Has dark olive skin and an enormous black mole on the right side of her nose. She is old as dirt and has a very withered and decaying look. She believes herself to be quite the beauty however.
    -What is his/her favorite food or drink?
    Hhagatha prefers Flimflizzard spirits a mild hallucinogen that has a high alcohol content. Her favorite meal is a victim turned to a toad and then slow roasted over a fire with a bit of rosemary and sage.
    -Does your character have jewelry or tokens? If so briefly describe.
    Hhagatha has a single braid over her left temple that has all manner of charms wrapped into it. It ends in a faded baby ravens skull. She wears a ruin inscribed Ravens skull mask and has a gold trimmed mirror amulet around her neck. She has gold bar earrings and wears crystal gages.
    -Does your character name his/her weapons? If so what are they named?
    Hhagathas staff is named Doombringer.
    -Does he/she bathe regularly?
    Hhagatha is very concerned with her beauty and hygiene. However try as she may she emanates the smell of death and old moth balls.
    -Is your character more comfortable in the city or nature?
    She enjoys the sights, sounds and chaos of the city but finds herself overwhelmed by the energies and prophecies of those she touches. She seeks the solace of nature and delights in the cruel hand of fate played in the struggle to survive its whims.
    -What is the most noticeable aspect of your characters personality?
    Hhagatha is extremely vain and jealous. Her words drip with scorn and bitterness. She is slowly learning to appreciate life after having spent nearly 100 years as a statue.
    -Does your character lie or cheat?
    No. Never. "Cackling laughter."
    -If you stumbled upon a evil baby dragon being tortured by a grubby hill giant child what would you do?
    Hhagatha would turn the hill giant child into a toad and cook it over a fire with a hint of rosemary and sage. Then share it with her new pet dragon.

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